Written by Flavio Mendes who is always trying to find an excuse to code.

How far can I go to provide free apps?

July 07, 2020

My life with development started at 2001, when I was learning HTML, Javascript and Photoshop. But for me, with 13 years old it was pointless having the knowledge and not using it. Then I started creating websites for everything. My first was called "It is good HP" had aeroplane pictures and jokes. Then I created uncountable others for my friends. And I never charged one single penny for any of them.

Helping a Small Business

July 02, 2020

In this whole COVID-19 pandemic, of course, the most important to do is taking care of our health. Nonetheless, the financial aspect was strongly impacted, making financial health also very concerning. There are lots of things that can be done in this matter, but I am going to talk about a specific one in this text.

How did I get and apartment in Dublin using JS?

July 01, 2020

After two years living in Co. Kerry, Ireland my wife Kamila and I decided it was time to move. We were missing some opportunities, so we decided to go to Dublin. Subsequently, when I got the job I was looking for was when the tough part came. Finding an apartment to rent.

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